Saturday, February 16, 2013

Not Paradise Lost, But Paradise Unrecognized

   I was reading this morning in Genesis about Eve--how she came to be, her life within the Garden of Eden, and at last her downfall.  I couldn't help but wonder why would someone who is given everything beautiful, new and pure in a virtual paradise risk their happiness for the unknown? Imagine it...a beautiful warm and green and lush place that is filled with every kind of tantalizing fruits, the animals and birds fearless and friendly, and the pristine environment surrounding you with a quiet peace.  And to live in this Paradise, all you have to do is not eat from one little tree.  One tree, out of every tree in the garden.  One type of fruit that was forbidden.  How could Eve let herself be manipulated into giving everything up for something she wasn't even sure would be worth it?   
   I shook my head as I read about Eve, and I did the usual tsk-tsking.  But as I thought back to my past, I realized that I was very much like Eve.  When I was a child I felt that so much excitement and wonder awaited me--as soon as I grew up.  Everything would be better when I could do all the things that grown ups do.  Don't get me wrong, there are so many wonderful things that I enjoy doing that only grown ups should do, but I missed so many things by not living in the moment.  Maybe my memory has put a golden haze on my past, as my childhood did have it's hurts and humiliations, but the older I get, the more cherished my memories become.  I grew up with two wonderful brothers, a cousin who was like a sister, and a beautiful farm where we raised cattle, chickens, and hogs.  I had favorite pets who were more like close friends, and I didn't need constant television, games, or movies to entertain me.  I had an amazing imagination.  I know that I was blessed, and my cup was filled to the brim and continued to flow with all the good things in life.  However, I wanted what I didn't know, what I didn't have any experience with.  I felt like I was missing out on something...I was always eager to do what was the next big thing.
   Eve saw her chance for the next big thing--she would be like God in the sense that she would know the difference between right and wrong.  It is highly possible that she didn't realize the ramifications of such a knowledge, but she knew that she wanted to be like God.  God who knew everything, who created such an awe-inspiring paradise.  Eve's mistake, like mine, was that she didn't focus on the gift of the here and now...what was unknown was much more enticing.  Like Eve, I had a taste of paradise...I enjoyed growing up with the freedom to live, love others freely, and enjoy the beauty of my surroundings, and I continued to look to the beyond.  I missed the point of life as a growing child.  The beauty in life was realized in an afterthought, not the focus of the present.  I only hope that I can impress upon my daughter, that today is the focus, the present is paradise.  Looking ahead has its value, but it shouldn't remain at the obsessive forefront.  I want her to be in the moment, to revel in the here and now, not years from now when bills, illness, heartbreak, and loss of close ones prevail in adult life.  The innocence of childhood should be held closely to our hearts, and valued as treasure.  That is the paradise we should be content to live within.

1 comment:

  1. Well written Sis. This is so true. I have to say, when we were kids and whenever I got to visit you, we definitely lived in the moment. My most cherished memories are when we came to the farm. You are an amazing Mother to Snowdy, and she possesses your creativity and imagination so much. I know that you are, but be so proud of her. She's one amazing little girl with such a big heart. I love you Sis.
