Sunday, September 30, 2012

Run Forest Run!

Remember that movie?  I just love how everything is surging through Forest Gump's mind, he can't let it go, everything is barrelling down on him.  And what does he do to solve his unrest? He gets up, and runs until he reaches the coast.  Does that stop him? Nope, he just turns around and goes the opposite way. Back and forth until he reaches his place of peace.

Today was my Forest Gump day.  I have been dreading/anticipating my last long training run for the Prairie Fire Marathon in Wichita. I've been going through everything in my head and lately I have just been frustrated.  Last week I went through a rough training run, so I didn't know what to expect, and had no idea what I was capable of.  So, how do I solve my unease?  I ran.  I got up, cranky to be sure, but I got up and tied my shoes and met Duchess, my gigantic running partner, at the end of the driveway and we just ran. 

The last mile, mile twelve, caused the problem in my running out my issues.  As I turned the corner to begin the last half mile my left leg started to seize up with a deadening cramp.  But after going so far, I refused to let myself quit and walk.  And that is when the Forest Gump run REALLY began.  If you have ever gotten up after sitting on your leg, and the leg feels numb, excepting the pins and needles, and tried to walk much less run you know the futility of grace under pressure.  I began to run like Forest with his leg braces on, and instead of gracefully flying out of the metal contraptions, I would have shook them apart with my hobbling gait.  However, I finished, and I wobbled down the driveway. 

Today hurt...but I survived and I felt so much better for going for what I wanted.  When we seize the moment we may feel the pain from time to time, but never will we feel the pang of regret.

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